Please post your vizualizations or links to them on this page...
As standards are clarified, the scope of stakeholders needs to be widen, to deepen the feedback that informs the content!

Here is the link to a brainstorming document:
A link to our brainstorming Ideas Re New Standards for School Libraries in Canada.docx
Ideas Re New Standards for School Libraries in Canada.docx
6 broad areas to consider in this document
ViSON - supports learning outcomes of each province and tweek statement to include that we are preparing students to be global citizens
COLLABORATION - in and out of school - eg public libraries; making use of social media; admin, parents, students, dept heads, other experts, intedisciplinary
STAFFING - professional with library certification(either a professional with the provincial library certification or a professional with their MLIS); also include library tech as support
PHYSICAL - places to work together; equality of access; refrain from making it a classroom; keep it a common space for all; still need some room for quiet independent study
COLLECTIONS - balanced collections (print/electronic)
VIRTUAL SPACES - as discussed all weekend
Don't create this as a static document but as a document can change with our profession.
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