Please post your vizualizations or links to them on this page...
As standards are clarified, the scope of stakeholders needs to be widen, to deepen the feedback that informs the content!

2) Here is the link to a brainstorming document:
3) A link to our brainstorming Ideas Re New Standards for School Libraries in Canada.docx
4) Ideas Re New Standards for School Libraries in Canada.docx
5) 6 broad areas to consider in this document
ViSON - supports learning outcomes of each province and tweek statement to include that we are preparing students to be global citizens
COLLABORATION - in and out of school - eg public libraries; making use of social media; admin, parents, students, dept heads, other experts, intedisciplinary
STAFFING - professional with library certification(either a professional with the provincial library certification or a professional with their MLIS); also include library tech as support
PHYSICAL - places to work together; equality of access; refrain from making it a classroom; keep it a common space for all; still need some room for quiet independent study
COLLECTIONS - balanced collections (print/electronic)
VIRTUAL SPACES - as discussed all weekend
Don't create this as a static document but as a document can change with our profession.
6) Christy den Haan-Veltman Group
- Library is the only Universal space in the education system; resources invested in that program serves everyone--staff and students; equity is key
- Overview-purpose of the document
- standards for staffing, funding
- philosophy of learning commons
- definition of terminology eg library vs learning commons without preference
- role and responsibilities of library leader
- importance and role of collaboration in library and whole school
- role of students in informing the vision and direction of library
- goal/benefits of having standards
- standards for library’s contribution to student learning
- resource standards - print, electronic, physical space, devices/technology, virtual space (website)
- outline of roles/responsibilities of leaders in the Library--not staffing or job title
- set up list of competencies that that would produce the most complete/highest standard of library
- suggested survey of community, consultation with stakeholders, method or process to involve & discover needs, vision
- co-create success criteria
7) A major focus of our discussion was staffing. If we believe that information literacy and research skills are vital to a child's education, we need a professional in the Library/Learning Commons to teach these skills. A clerk is not a specialist. If we are creating standards for School Libraries, it is important that we standardize the staffing to include a professional who can work with staff to create and implement curriculum that teaches inquiry and research, and is available to students for help throughout the school day.
Here is a link to some of our other thoughts we had:
On Friday June 8 members of The Association of Library Consultants and Coordinators of Ontario worked in groups to add their ideas. We asked:
What should be in the Table of Contents for a new standards document for school libraries?
Here are their responses:
From Kelly DiIorio's group: tableofcontentsforAIL.doc
From Ruth Hall's group: StandardsforSchoolLibraries.docx
From Isabelle Hobbs' group:
Here are our ideas:
1. Community/learning Partnerships (T4L) - public libraries, borrowing collection for parents, include community links in virtual space
2. Student Achievement
3 . Digital Citizenship - offer as an alternative view of information literacy
- tie into Board values, character traits
- ties into social and emotional development of students as they go through system
- ties into digital literacies - recognizing value of traditional (print) as well
4. Collaboration (Partnering) - must be included and emphasized - team teaching - not just passing off
From Diane Bédard's group:
A Managing the Role
1. Give example of what the role looks like with less than ideal role, e.g. what is expected if a TL has a point 5 prep coverage position?. It is about making the best of the situation.
2. Finding your voice and learning to advocate for change in your situation
3. collaboration within, beyond and far reaching with other groups, schools, etc. Think globally
4. Growing your leadership: Identifying Areas where expertise is needed, Identified who the mentors are, Having Personal Learning Plan and Growing Your Own Personal Learning Network If it is to be, it is up to me.
B The Physical Learning Commons Space
C The Virtual Commons Space
1. eResources various options - download vs online: school device vs BYOD
2. Develop lines of tech support: FAQs: cheat sheets: after hours policies: liaison policies with the Public Library
3. Consortium and collaborative purchases
D Building the Learning Community
1. Focus on building school culture, community; supporting diversity; supporting character ed
2. Working with other learning specialists
E Feeding and Caring of Your Administrator
1. Learning to trumpet your own horn
2. Crunching number for convincing arguments
From Lynn Wisniewski's group:
Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB
York Catholic DSB
Halton DSB
Technology – what is the minimum a library needs
Teaching / Program – scope & sequence; continuum of skills
Realistic; need to have a base
Staffing – equitable access to students; role descriptions
Student-centred – what do students deserve; need to have
Sorry - we spent more time talking than we did typing!
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